September 03, 2024 3 min read

Among the most popular and beloved coffee drinks are the cappuccino, latte, and flat white. Despite being made from the same ingredients—espresso and milk—these beverages have distinct personalities that set them apart. In our last blog post, we took a deep dive into the flat white. Now let's explore the key differences between the three. 

A Brief History of Cappuccino, Latte and Flat White

espresso maker to make cappuccino

Cappuccino, widely considered a classic Italian specialty coffee beverage, actually traces its roots back to the 18th century in Vienna, Austria. Its name is derived from the Capuchin friars, whose brown robes resembled the colour of the drink. The cappuccino is traditionally composed of espresso, steamed milk, and a thick layer of foam. 

Latte, a more versatile beverage, emerged as a popular choice in the United States and Canada during the 20th century. It is characterized by its simpler composition of espresso and steamed milk, often with a thin layer of foam. Latte's adaptability has allowed for numerous variations and customizations, including flavoured syrups, whipped cream, and alternative milk options.

Originated in Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s, the flat white is a relatively recent addition to the coffee scene. It is distinguished by its thicker layer of foam, similar to cappuccino, but with a more concentrated espresso flavour. Flat white's popularity has grown rapidly in recent years, particularly among coffee connoisseurs who appreciate its nuanced taste profile.

Three Distinct Profiles

The sensory attributes of cappuccino, latte, and flat white are influenced by factors such as espresso quality, milk temperature, and foam texture. These factors contribute to the overall taste, aroma, and appearance of the beverages.

Cappuccino offers a well-rounded flavour profile with a balance of bitterness, sweetness, and creaminess. Latte tends to be milder and sweeter due to the higher proportion of milk, while flat white provides a more intense espresso flavour with a creamy texture.

The aroma of cappuccino, latte, and flat white is directly influenced by the quality of the coffee beans and the preparation method. Thus, espresso-based aromas, such as chocolate, caramel, and nuts, are often prominent.

The visual appeal of these beverages is enhanced by the foam layer, which can vary in thickness, colour, and texture. Cappuccino's thick, creamy foam is a hallmark of the beverage, while latte's thinner foam provides a more understated appearance.

A Happy Marriage of Milk and Espresso

While all three espresso-based beverages share a common foundation of espresso and milk, their specific ratios and preparation methods contribute to their unique characteristics.

The Art of Milk Steaming 

steaming milk for latte and cappuccino

Milk texture plays a pivotal role in distinguishing flat whites, cappuccinos, and lattes. As the milk heats, its proteins denature, and fat molecules envelop them, forming a stable foam that floats atop the steamed milk.

Both lattes and flat whites feature a microfoam layer - a thick, frothy texture created by injecting air into milk during the steaming process - of approximately 5 millimeters,  An espresso machine with automatic milk frother function makes this process a breeze. 

Cappuccinos, on the other hand, boast a significantly thicker foam layer, typically at least 10 millimeters, which alters the beverage's texture and mouthfeel. However, this is a minimum requirement, and interpretations can vary, leading to variations in foam ratios globally.

To achieve the desired microfoam level for lattes and flat whites, minimize air incorporation during steaming. Conversely, for cappuccinos, increase the amount of air injected into the milk to produce a thicker, more rigid foam.

The Perfect Espresso Beans

choosing premium espresso beans

Cappuccino is typically composed of one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third foam, while flat white features a more concentrated espresso flavour with a thicker layer of foam.

Dark-roasted espresso beans, often sourced from Central America or Africa, are known for their delicate and sweet profiles, making them ideal for smaller milk-based beverages like flat whites and cappuccinos. These beans complement the concentrated espresso flavour and thicker foam of these drinks, creating a harmonious and satisfying cup of coffee.

Unlike cappuccino and flat white, latte features a higher ratio of steamed milk to espresso. This creates a milder and sweeter flavour profile. Medium-roasted espresso beans, often sourced from South America or Southeast Asia, can add a punch to the latte. Their bold flavours can cut through the richness of the milk, making the beverage stand out.

Which to Choose?

Whether you're a latte lover, a cappuccino connoisseur, or a flat white fanatic, understanding their unique characteristics will help you choose the perfect coffee for you.

Experiment with different flavours, textures, and coffee beans, and don’t hesitate to visit Faema Montreal online or in store to find everything you need to recreate your ideal milk and espresso-based beverage at home. From premium coffee beans to espresso machines that can help you create amazing lattes, flat whites, and cappuccinos at the simple touch of a button, we have them. 
